See you in 2025!

9th Annual West Texas Region Row Across Texas Race

We have our winners!!!!

1st Prize – The choice of a Rower, SkiErg or BikeErg ---- Megan McConnell, Alpine

2nd Prize – Rower  ------ David Bernal, Midland

3rd Prize - $500 Gift Card -------- Rito Renteria, Ozona


Thank you for joining us for this year’s West Texas Row Race! Your enthusiasm, dedication, and sportsmanship made this event a great success. We appreciate your participation and hope you had an unforgettable experience.

We look forward to seeing you again next year for another exciting race!
It’s time for the 9th Annual West Texas Region Row/Run Across Texas initiative.  Same as last, year you can row, run, elliptical and cycle to calculate meters.  The calculation chart will automatically convert your miles to meters so it’s easy to keep up with.  We will still have prizes for 1st through 3rd places in all age groups and teams.  Those who place 1st through 3rd. Please read carefully over the rules and don’t hesitate to email me with any questions.
This year’s race will have a $30.00 entry fee through DPSOA Website
  1. The fee will guarantee a t-shirt, participation coin, and the opportunity to win up to 26 raffle tickets.
  2. Teams, Individual competitors will be competing in one of the five age groups for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place. Teams will be competing for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place and will still be able to earn tickets for every 50K meters. You can only compete in one division, team or individual.
  3. Cycling workouts will now be accepted. For every mile you cycle, you will get ¼ miles credit. (3 miles = 1,209 meters)
  4. For every 50K meters rowed, ran, or completed on the elliptical, you will earn a raffle ticket (Up to 26 tickets can be earned).
  5. Tickets will be drawn at the end of the race for top prizes.  
  6. Participants are only eligible to win one of the top three prizes.  

Top Raffle Prizes

Concept 2 Rower
Concept2 Rower
Gift card
$500 Gift Card
Gift card
$250 Gift Card

This Year’s Shirt & Coin

West Texas Region Row / Run Across Texas Initiative

West Texas Region Personnel,

Starting December 1, 2024, with the support of the Region IV chain of command and DPSOA those who are interested will have an opportunity to participate in a friendly initiative called “Row/Run Across Texas.”  This initiative is intended to keep everyone motivated to stay physically active during the Fall PRT testing period.  The goal of this initiative is that each individual row/run/elliptical/cycle to reach the designated checkpoints along Interstate 10.  Individual participants will be categorized by age (per PRT flow chart) and the number of meters performed. Participants are responsible for logging their daily progress on the chart provided.  Participants will need to check in every time they reach a 50K meter mark and at designated city checkpoints.  All charts need to be turned in by February 28, 2025. Prizes will go to the individuals and teams who reach Beaumont first or if nobody reaches Beaumont, whoever accumulates the most meters in that group. We will have a raffle at the end with all the tickets earned during this race.
  • 1
    < 29
  • 2
    30 - 39
  • 3
    40 - 49
  • 4
    50 - 59
  • 5


This is an integrity based competition!!! This initiative is meant to be fun and motivate everyone to continue working out or start!
  • Starting October 1st, you will need to keep a log of each row/run/elliptical/cycle you complete.  This will be done on the Excel program provided.
  • Upon reaching a 50K mark and every city checkpoint, you will email your calculation spreadsheet to as soon as possible. *Do not skip checking in at checkpoints!!!! *
  • Road and treadmill runs are acceptable (NOT pedometers counting daily steps).  It must be a dedicated run workout.   A dedicated continued walk will also be accepted.
  • Elliptical machines will also be accepted.  Miles will convert to meters on the provided calculation chart
  • Cycling workouts will now be accepted. For every mile you cycle, you will get ¼ miles credit. (3 miles = 1,209 meters
  • Just like a golf tournament, you will not be monitored throughout the race.  So it is extremely important you check in once you’ve reached the assigned checkpoints!!!
  • You must be assigned to Region IV before or during the race to participate.  You will not be disqualified if you transfer out of Region IV during the race.
  • **Any participant who reaches or exceeds 20K meters in a day, will need to email or text photo verification**
  • Refer to department policies.  Just as the current policy states, workouts shall be completed before or after your assigned shift.
  • Last, be safe, know your physical limits.

City Check Points In addition to 50K Check Points

Sierra Blanca - 123,920 meters
Ozona - 539,131 meters
San Antonio - 870,657 meters
Van Horn – 177,028 meters
Sonora - 595,458 meters
Houston - 1,181,260 meters
Fort Stockton - 370,150 meters
Junction - 688,800 meters
Beaumont - 1,321,274 meters

Row/Run Across Texas