Texas DPSOA Golf Tournament
Registration Opens June 19, 2024

November 8th, 2024
11:00am Shotgun start
Individual: $125
4 person team: $500
Sponsor This Event
DPSOA is a 501(c)(5) organization which is funded primarily through member dues. In 2010 the organization launched the DPS Troopers Foundation (DPSTF) to further support DPS commissioned officers, communication personnel, and forensic scientists by providing financial assistance in times of emergency need, survivor benefits at death, education and training programs, and scholarships for qualifying family members. The DPSTF also supports at-risk youth programs in the community. DPSTF depends on public donations in order to serve its mission. Neither DPSOA nor DPSTF conduct residential telemarketing and both are committed to being transparent and in full compliance with the law in all of their fundraising efforts.
Sponsorship Levels
Title Sponsor
The Director
- 2 team entry
- 1-hole table
- 3-hole signs
- Company sign
- Logo and name on banner and shirt
Texas Ranger
- 1 team entry
- 1-hole table
- Company sign
- Logo and name on banner and shirt
Special Agent
- 2 team entry
- Company sign
- Name on banner and shirt
- Company sign
- Name on banner and shirt
Patrol Unit
- Name on golf cart and swag in cart
Red Patch
- Tee box sign
The Rookie
- Sign around green
Tickets & Registration
Registration Opens June 19, 2024
Contact region7@texasdpsoa.com for any questions.